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5 Reasons That Might Hinder In A Normal Delivery Of Your Baby

Being in your labor trying for natural birth, your doctor may recommend a C section once she thinks your baby is stuck. Once you water is broken, your cervix dilates and you have to gather all you strength to push. If your baby is still unable to find its way into the world, it may be finding it difficult to move out of your pelvis. It could be because your baby is stuck.

Here are some of the most common reasons your baby might get stuck during labor:

Reason no.1: Using Epidural

Epidural is basically a kind of anesthetic doctors give expecting mothers during child birth. it helps become insensitive to labor pain. even though it provides relief from pain, it causes other things like perineum tearing, high risk of augmentation, instrumental delivery and also  change in baby’s natural position. In case you are given epidural during labor, it is possible that you will not be able to get yourself in a position for child which in turn is going to affect the position of your baby getting him stuck.

Reason no. 2: Pelvis Issues

Sometimes it is your pelvis that is not of the right shape or size. Most of the time, women have pelvis that is of the correct size and shape for natural birth. Unfortunately, there are women who may not be that lucky. What does that mean? It means that the process of getting your child past the pelvis becomes hard for women with a pelvis shape and size unsuitable for natural birth. if not impossible, it sure becomes very slow. In case your pelvis is really small and your baby gets stuck, then you are inflicted with a rare condition called cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD). Doctors then have no other option but a C section.

Reason no.3: Your Position

Your position during labor matters as much as the position of your baby. Opting for the right position makes it easier for your baby to align in level with your cervix and navigate its way out into the world. The favorable position consists of being on your hands and knees, squatting or standing upright. On the flip side, unfavorable positions that can get your baby stuck consists of sitting on your tailbone or lying on your back.

Reason no. 4: Your Baby’s Position


It is during the last trimester that your baby moves into the favorable position for birth. In medical terms it is also known as the occiput anterior position. This is an ideal position where the baby’s head is towards the cervix and it can push through easily. Just in case your baby’s head is in the opposite direction to where it should be, natural birth can become problematic. In that case your doctor is going to go for a C section to bring him out into the world.

Reason no.5: Large Baby and Shoulder Dystocia

At times babies are so large that they get stuck during child birth. This condition is medically called macrosomia. The major problem that arises while naturally giving birth to a big baby is that his shoulders may get stuck in the mother’s pelvis. This condition is medically called shoulder dystocia. In that case, you can only go for a C section. This condition is usually a rare one.

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