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Mother Care: 7 Pregnancy Morning Sickness Cures

Feeling queasy? Well, morning sickness is among the most common and unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy. You just can’t smile and tolerate it. You cannot completely get rid of morning sickness but you can try traditional medications or natural remedies to find some relief from it. In case you notice that you are repelled by particular smells and taste, don’t ignore if you don’t want to feel worse than you are right now. You might have to try different treatments to check which one works for you. Here are some of the tried and tested cures of morning sickness and nausea in general:

  1. Have Small Meals

With nausea spinning your head and stomach, eating food is the last thing that you would like to do. You need to remember that empty stomach is more likely to make you feel worse. When the acids in the stomach have got nothing to digest, the hunger pangs will make you feel nauseated.

A good idea is to graze on small meals which are full of nutrients. Have five to six meals a day instead of taking three big meals. Make sure you stay away from fried, fatty and acidic foods because they can make you feel worse.

  1. Munch on Potato chips.

Yay! Who could have thought potato chips to be actually a cure of something? Here is your golden chance to nibble potato chips without feeling guilty. Many women simply nibble FEW potato chips as soon as they feel nausea hitting their shore. It chases the unpleasant feeling of nausea away.

It is recommended to take the regular potato chips and not the fat free version of it as the fat free version can cause diarrhea. Over production of saliva during pregnancy can also result in nausea. In that case, munching on salt and vinegar chips can dry up the excessive saliva.

  1. Magical Ginger

Ginger has quite a history of nipping nausea in the bud. Ginger roots contain gingerols which are known for relaxing the intestinal tract which in turn brings relief from nausea and vomiting.

You can have the non-caffeinated ginger ale or grate fresh ginger into hot tea. All you have to do is add some tea and half teaspoon of powdered ginger spice to a cup of boiling water. Strain the solution and sip on it. You can even add honey to enhance its taste. Ginger candies and cookies are also helpful.

Many believe ginger is not supposed to be used during pregnancy. When in doubt, reach out for the doctor.

  1. Stay well hydrated

Staying well hydrated is crucial for pregnant mothers for a number of reasons including nausea. Dehydration can trigger nausea in pregnant ladies. Again, 8 glasses of water is a must but you don’t have to consume all water from a bottle. In case, you simply can’t swallow anything down, you can always add flavor to water like squeezing a bit of lemon into a glass of water.

You can even drink sports beverages which include potassium, salt and glucose to maintain your energy levels. You can even have foods that contain a high percentage of water like carrots, pears, apples, cucumber, grapes and celery. Cold treats like frozen lemonade and slushy drinks are amazing choices as they soothe your stomach.

  1. Crack some crackers

Want to quell morning sickness before it begins? Have some crackers. They are digested easily and inexpensive. When you start feeling morning sickness coming in with all its power in the morning, simply nibble on few crackers while you are still in bed. Slowly eat crackers for several minutes just before you get up from your bed.

Low salt soda crackers, plain popcorn, pretzels, whole wheat crackers and plain crackers are the best ones to have. Taking some time to get up from your bed is also a good idea as sudden movements also invite nausea.

  1. Satchel full of Lavender and thyme

Smells can be really overwhelming during pregnancy and cause nausea. Certain smells that you didn’t even notice much suddenly start taking its toll on you like smell of meat, soap, laundry and many others. Fortunately, lavender and thyme are known for soothing the uncomfortable feeling of nausea.

Carry a small satchel filled with these dried herbs. Smell the satchel whenever bouts of nausea come crashing in. you can even keep a handkerchief with you that has squeezed lemon on it. Smell it whenever you need it.

  1. Crushed Fennel seeds

Fennel seed is a age old remedy of nausea. Fennel seeds contain aesthetic elements that help to ward off the uncomfortable feeling of nausea.

All you have to do is take a tablespoon of fennel seeds and grind it in a coffee grinder. Take a cup full of water and allow it to boil. Add the crushed seeds to it. Allow it to steep for few minutes. Slowly sip on this tea to treat nausea.

  1. Mint tea

Mint is no doubt a soothing agent. It has a soothing taste as well as smell. The anesthetic elements take the edge off the uncomfortable feeling of nausea.

You can either chew on raw mint or make a mint tea. As soon as you think nausea is coming to grab you and your stomach, simply make this tea. Take a cup of water and allow it to boil. Throw in a tablespoon of mint leaves. Cover it and leave it that way for half an hour. Stir after every five minutes. Strain the solution and sip on this tea.

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