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Ways to Control Pregnancy Food Cravings

Pregnancy sure is a roller coaster ride. Every woman’s ride is a unique one. Cravings are a common part of this bitter sweet journey. Some have intense sugar cravings while others may pine for oatmeal, bananas or French fries. If you tend to experience bouts of fat or sugar cravings, it is fine to let go of your resistance and indulge in it occasionally. It is important that you keep a check on your cravings and make sure that you growing baby gets the nutrients he require. Fighting away food cravings is easier said than done. However, when you train your mind to focus on the benefits of eating healthy, you will certainly want to eat clean.

There are some simple ways you can actually outsmart these unhealthy food cravings. Here are some of the ways to control unhealthy food cravings during pregnancy:

  • Have breakfast daily: when you begin your day with adequate amount of nutrition, you are less likely to go through midmorning snack cravings. With enough fuel, you are not going to get hunger pangs later on.
  • Eat often: having 4 to 6small meals throughout the day is the trick rather than taking 3 big meals. Never wait till you get hungry. This way you wouldn’t want to fill yourself up with junk.
  • Hit the road: exercising on a regular basis will help you control hormonal levels necessary to beat those cravings and emotional eating. It will keep you in a good mood. Walking regularly can be a great way to keep fit and keep a check on food cravings.
  • Look for support: The fluctuation in hormonal levels can actually cause a rough mood swing ride. You might be tempted to munch on a chocolate bar. Rather than turning to food, serve yourself with a friend. Talk to someone you are close to.
  • Control food portion: if combatting the urge is not your cup of tea, try portion control. Have a single scoop of ice cream instead of gulping one whole bowl. Simple take a single square of chocolate rather than munching on the whole bar.
  • Opt for healthy snacks: If you don’t happen to have any healthy snack, you are definitely going to reach out for unhealthy snack. Make sure you buy healthy snacks and keep them in your sight so that whenever you feel hungry you instantly reach out for fruits, nuts and other nutritious snack items rather than chocolate, chips and other unhealthy snack items.
  • Get rid of the junk: If you don’t let junk food enter your house in the first place, you won’t even reach out for junk food. When you don’t have junk food in your fridge or kitchen cabinets, why would you even think about eating them. Keep junk food out of your reach if you don’t want to have them.
  • Stock smart: when you are the supermarket stocking up foods to munch, choose the ones that are packed with nutrition and foster good health like fresh vegetables and fruits. You will eventually end up eating healthy when you have stocked healthy food.
  • Find healthy replacements like a pro: Gulp in a glass of fruit juice when you feel like having a glass of Pepsi. Munch on fruits when your sweet tooth demands for a chocolate cake. Have crunchy carrot fries or baked potato when you crave for French fries. Always make sure you take natural and healthy food instead of process food.

When do food cravings become dangerous?

Craving for non-food items (Pica)

Pica is a condition where pregnant women crave for nonfood items like clay and dirt which cause developmental problems in the childlike low verbal IQ scores, motor skill development and impaired hearing. They even crave for cigarette butts not for smoking but to actually eat them. This can be really harmful for the mother and the baby. The baby might have attention deficit disorder and can be weak in learning. This is enough to understand why pregnant women with this condition should immediately look for help to keep away from nonfood items they are likely to regret later.

Craving for high-calorie foods

Pregnant women should make it a rule of thumb not to allow cravings to overpower intake of good nutrition. The baby and the mother both need food and nutrients that will keep them both healthy during the entire stage of pregnancy and also after delivery. Some pregnant women tend to develop gestational diabetes which can give them a tough time in control weight. Giving in to intense sugar cravings leads to diabetes. This could then lead to other complications. Food craving are only bad for you when YOU don’t control your cravings and give in to them. Giving in to cravings like chocolates, sweets and other high calorie food can make you put on excess weight. Whatever you eat has a direct impact on your baby’s health and your health. Try eating nutritious and healthy food.

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