Every Mother and Child has the Right to a Safe Beginning.


Newborn Care: 6 Ways to Cope With Stress for Parents

No one said parenting was easy with all the cuddles, cries, nappies, coos and poops. A newborn comes with a storm of delight and activities in your life along with tons of stress. This bundle of joy is actually a 24 hours job both physical and emotionally demanding. You definitely must be on the lookout for survivor strategies to let you sail through smoothly. It is undoubtedly a HUGE transition in anyone’s life with the first year being the most stressful.

Here are 6 workable tips to keep you moving and helpful in keeping a check on the stress levels that’s taking its toll on you:

  1. Accept the emotional roller coaster ride

The presence of this tiny little creature may begin from extreme love for the child and then hit you with sheer heart break for losing all the independence you once had. That independence sure gets replaced by all the stress and worries related to taking care of the baby.  It might leave you and your partner pretty exhausted. It is only best to communicate with each other as to what is upsetting you. Talk it out to lighten up your head and mood.

  1. Let yourself loose

Accept the fact that you don’t have to be a perfect parent all the time. It is okay to leave the dishes dirty, let the clothes pile up for laundry or simply order food because you are extremely exhausted to make it at home. The baby is not going to see into your imperfections. No need to feel all guilty.

  1. Never say NO to a helping hand

Since you are a new mom, you probably want to be a perfect one by doing everything for the baby YOURSELF. Most of the time that is neither good for you or for your baby because you will wind up utterly exhausted and drained. If your loved ones extend a helping hand, don’t say no (just don’t). They could help you with errands like washing dishes or simply holding the baby for some time.

  1. Manage sleep time

Now when your very own mother or your grandmother suggests you sleep when the baby sleeps, they really know what they are saying. If you don’t want to end up all sleep deprived and depressed, you too need adequate amount of sleep in order to take care of the baby well. A few continuous hours of sleeping can do wonders for you.

  1. Hit the road

And so we have all heard the tale of exercise being good for stress. It actually is. Yes you are already too worked up but exercising can boost your energy levels. You can just take your baby out for a walk or simply ask your partner to take your angel out for a walk while you go do your exercise. You can go for your yoga class or simply swim. It will definitely lighten up your mood a bit.

  1. Stay positive

No matter how hard this may sound right now but remain positive. Like they say ‘this too shall pass’ and that too really quick. Sit in the eye of the whirlpool of chaos and SEE how the joys of raising a child are far greater than the stresses.

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