Every Mother and Child has the Right to a Safe Beginning.


7 Strange Newborn Quirks that are nothing to worry about

Every newborn is cute in their own little ways. From sweet smell of their heads to such perfect fingernails, they simply don’t cease to amaze us. No matter how much they bother, irritate and deprive you of sleep, you will learn that you still love your little angel to the core. Your newborn may charm you endlessly but he will also make you say “what is this supposed to mean now?” every now and then. So here are some strange newborn quirks that are absolutely normal:

1. Hairy back

Newborns come with completely different fashion trends than we do. Don’t freak out when you see two inches of so many hairs sticking out the back of your new born. He might seem like a gorilla baby but he isn’t. These hairs can be found on any part of the body even the ears. The hair actually helps to keep your baby warm as they don’t know how to control their body temperature when they are in the womb. Breathe easy because no matter where these hairs are present, they fall of pretty easily. Till they fall off, simply embrace this newborn fashion.

2. Crossed eyes

You might have noticed you baby’s crossed eyes when you do all the baby talking with him. Why do their eyes become cross? That’s because he is trying to focus on your face. The reason that happens is because your baby is making efforts to adjust into the new environment. This tiny little creature is still practicing to use the eye muscles to focus on things. It may take some time before he learn to keep them straight while focusing on objects. This may continue for six months but if you notice crossed eyes or lazy eye after six months, do talk to your doctor about it.

3. Startling newborns

Your kid is sleeping peacefully when all of a sudden you notice all his body shake so badly. It’s okay. Babies get startled easily. They may startle on hearing a siren, horn, pot clanking, door banging and other such noises. This jerking motion is called moro reflex and is actually a sign of healthy newborns. Feel relieved instead of disturbed when you see your baby jump because the absence of this jerking motion indicates that there is something wrong with the spinal cord or brain. Once he gets used to his new surrounding after 3 to 4 months, the jumpy reflex will go away on its own.

4. Cone head

You might bombard your doctor with tons of question on looking at the cone shaped head of your baby. Your baby’s head is soft and pliable in the early days. When you were giving birth to your baby, your baby was also making efforts to get pass the birth canal. All the pressure he goes through can cause a cone head. All you have to do is keep turning the head of the baby to get the perfectly rounded head.  If babies lay over a flat surface on one side all the time, they can have a flat area on their head. Keep turning your baby’s head when he is sleeping.

5. So many poopy diapers

How startling it is for you to digest that this little creature can actually produce so much poop! Cleaning up diapers six to seven times in a day is normal. This is due to the increased rate of movement of the bowel. It is particularly true for breastfed babies as they poop every time they are fed. Newborns are usually fed after every two hours. Then imagine the amount of diapers they dirty. Formula babies poop less frequently compared to breastfed babies. Cleaning up all the time maybe a tedious task but be grateful if your child is pooping a lot.

6. So many achoos

After coming into this world, babies will sneeze a lot for the first few days. That is how they get rid of the foreign particles like dust entering their body. All those achoos don’t indicate any illness. They are normal. Babies try to clear up the mucus they were born with. In case the sneezing is followed by thick and yellow mucus, it can be a sign of cold. Sometimes this sneezing is because the babies nostrils got closed temporarily particularly during feeding. By sneezing he opens up his nose.

7. The never ending hiccups

Listening to never ending hiccups can be really irritating but not in the case of babies. You might probably go ‘Awww!’ when he does it but continuous ones can make you worried. Nobody knows why babies have never ending hiccups but one thing is for sure, they don’t harm your baby in any way and they don’t make your baby feel uncomfortable. It might make your uncomfortable but not them. It dies away on its own.

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