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Feeding your Child: Tips and Tricks

Is your toddler or baby not eating?

A question and condition which may seem frustrating, but it is the most common part of toddler’s development. Most parents worry about whether their toddler is having enough healthy food or not. It is one of the most common situations of  toddlers to eat a minimal amount of food, to be fussy about what they eat and to refuse to eat at all. However, you don’t need to worry because toddler’s appetite varies constantly because of growing age and variations in their activity. Moreover, they have a very small stomachs. And the cherry on top is that they are so interested in the world around them and have a very little consideration span when it comes to food.

How to handle the ups and downs of your child’s appetite

  • Liking a food one day and refusing it the next day is a very common toddler behavior.
  • You should give your toddler small amount of servings at mealtime.
  • Do not force your child to eat and finish everything on the plate. This can make mealtimes stressful. And this way your child will try to avoid having food.
  • Always praise your child for having only a spoonful of a meal.
  • At regular times between meals, offer your child healthy snacks like fruits or vegetable sticks. This will compensate the little amount of meals he will have on main mealtime.
  • As long as you offer healthy food, try not to worry if your child does not eat very much sometimes.
  • It can help to judge your toddler’s appetite over a week, rather than over a single day. It is totally ok if he eats less today he might eat more tomorrow. If your toddler is healthy and has enough energy to learn, explore and play this signals that he is eating enough and is healthier.

Tips for introducing new food to your child

The key to success lies in keep trying when it comes to introducing new food to your child. You might think that your toddler is fussy and only eats one or two particular foods. However, toddlers sometimes try new foods if you as a parent won’t give up and keep trying.

  • If your baby won’t eat what you offer the first time, try again in a few days.
  • Introduce new foods one at a time. Wait two or three days, if possible, before offering another new food.
  • The order in which the food is introduced does not usually matter.

Create a positive eating environment

  • Make mealtimes a happy and social family occasion. Maintain a happy atmosphere at the table.
  • Talk to your baby, encourage and praise him and smile sweetly if he refuses to eat.
  • Sit together to eat with your toddler and show him how you enjoy eating your food.
  • By sharing meals with the family, he will develop better eating habits.

The feeding phase may seem terribly long and perturbing at the same time, but you will get through it. All you need is a little patience and just continue to offer a wide range of healthy foods and things will settle down for sure.

Above mentioned are some of the common tips to make mealtimes both stress free and pleasurable. However, in some cases, the child’s appetite is affected by some health issues. If your child consistently refuses food or you are concerned about your child’s growth or overall health. You need to seek medical help straight away.

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