Every Mother and Child has the Right to a Safe Beginning.


Infant’s Runny Nose And Ways To Deal With It

One of the most common problem in children is runny or snotty nose. This usually happens when the nasal cavity is filled with significant amount of mucus. The color of mucus may vary from transparent white to yellowish green. Mostly, runny or snotty nose is a symptom of common cold. However, in children, runny nose might be a result of excessive crying, exposure to cold temperature or simply any possible irritation from dust, perfumes or smoke. But believe it or not, runny nose can be a good thing.Yes, you heard it right!! It is good because it is the body’s method to get rid of germs.

Treatment for runny or stuffy nose

As long as it is not bothering your little one and he is active, you do not need to worry. Usually your baby’s nasal congestion will go away by itself within a week. You just need to have patience. However, do not try to treat runny or stuffy nose with medications. It will not make the virus go away any faster. Instead it will make some other possible harms. There are some home fixes which can aid your little one in his time of distress.

Home fixes for stuffy nose

1. Saline drops and bulb syringe

An infant can not breath through his mouth until he is 6 months old. Therefor, when an infant is congested, it is parents’ duty to clear up his nose so he can breathe. All you need is

  • Take a cup of water.
  • Add ¼ teaspoon of salt.
  • Mix it well.

Your Saline solution is ready. It aids in thinning up the mucus. Now put a few drops of this solution to each of the nostrils, by tilting your child’s head backwards. Then use a syringe bulb to suck out all the excess mucus. Use this remedy three times a day.

2. Remove hard mucus

The crusty or sticky thing which you notice in your baby’s nostril is the hardened mucus. It blocks the nose. You need to clear this up to prevent blocking by taking a wet cotton swab. Wipe the area safely.

3. Humidifier

 One of the best and easiest way to deal with nasal congestion is to place humidifier or vaporizer in your toddler’s room.

4. Steamy shower

Turn the bathroom into a steam room by closing the door and turning on the hot water shower. Now take your baby to the steamy bathroom and sit there for around 10 to 15 minutes. This will help clear your infant’s nasal passage and lungs.

5. Eucalyptus Oil

Add 10 drops of eucalyptus oil to your baby’s massage oil or olive oil. Give your infant a gentle chest massage with this essential oil. Moreover, you can add a few drops of eucalyptus oil in slight warm bath water for your child.

6. Keep your baby in an upright position

Try to keep your little one in an upright position while he sleeps. This helps the mucus to drain. For keeping your little one in an upright position for his daytime naps, try to make him sleep in his car seat or swing. You can also slightly uplift his head while he is sleeping by placing a folded cloth or towel underneath his mattress.

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