Every Mother and Child has the Right to a Safe Beginning.


Top 7 Baby Weaning Foods

Being concerned about baby weaning is only natural for mothers. Mothers usually think about the right to wean their babies off breast milk. Generally you can wean your baby between 4 to 6 months but pre-term babies should be given breast milk till 6 months of age. There are somethings you should think about unique to your child like check if there is any kind of allergy running in your family before your give your child eggs, fish and dairy products.

 We have gathered some easy and quick weaning foods to satisfy your toddler’s tummy.

1. Vegetables

Veggies are weaning essential foods whether you give him boiled carrots or mashed potatoes. It is best to wash the vegetables properly and opt for organic vegetables rather than regular ones as they are devoid of pesticides.

2. Fruits

Children love munching on something juicy and fruits are the juiciest way to begin solid foods for your baby. They are full of nutrients that your baby requires because he doesn’t depend on breast milk anymore. Secondly, fruits are also good for your child’s sweet tooth as they are filled with natural sugars.

Bananas are among the best fruits to begin with. Simply mash a banana an give our baby few tablespoons at a time. If your baby likes the taste, start adding in other fruits like apples, mangoes and pear.

3. Leafy Greens

Green leafy vegetables not only look pleasant to the eye but are also full of iron and other mineral that your baby requires for optimal body functioning.

You can simply boil green leafy vegetables like pea leaves, spinach and others. then mash it to make it eatable for your little one and season it lightly. Make it a point to give this to your child two to three times a week.

4. Eggs

It is no secret that eggs are a storehouse of proteins as well as important vitamins that facilitates healthy development of your child. However, make sure your child is not allergic to eggs as little kids can be. You can give eggs to your child in a variety of ways and give him the egg version that he tends to like.

5. Soups

If you are confused and can’t think of a complete meal for your baby, then vegetable soup is a definite yes. Clear vegetable soups are packed with everything your kid needs. The water content will keep your baby well hydrated and also fill in important nutrients from vegetables.

6. Juices

Kids love juices but don’t give them packaged fruit juices as they contain preservatives, chemical additives and flavoring agents that can harm your little angel. Make fresh fruit or vegetable juices at home. If he doesn’t like to eat vegetables, you can add in a vegetable to any of the fruit juice you are planning to make. It is a good idea to begin your child’s day with a fresh fruit juice

7. Water

No need to be shocked. Your baby does not depend on your breast milk anymore and needs to remain well hydrated. It is time to bring in water to your baby’s routine so he remains hydrated the entire day. It not only keeps your baby’s digestive system healthy but also detoxifies the body of baby.

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