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Mother Care: What’s Normal During Early Pregnancy?

Is it your early pregnancy phase and you just noticed light bleeding? You are likely to freak out a bit as bleeding doesn’t seem like a good thing to happen during pregnancy. Here is a little surprise for you. Some of the weird and strange symptoms that you may experience during pregnancy are actually very normal. The pregnancy experience for every woman is different but there are some common symptoms that most of the women may go through.

To make it easier for you, we have garnered some of the early pregnancy symptoms that are very normal:

  1. Bleeding

Normal. Light bleeding during the first few weeks of pregnancy is quiet common and normal. It happens because when the embryo implants itself in the uterine lining, it sheds off some part of the wall causing bleeding. Another reason for the bleeding could be cervical bleeding. It can occur after intercourse as the tissues are very tender in pregnant women. Although you are more likely to have healthy babies even if you experience some light bleeding, it is always good to see your doctor about it.

NOT So Normal. Bleeding with cramping is one of the signs of miscarriage. If the bleeding comes with cramps, bright red blood, white pink mucus or clot like discharge, you should immediately visit a doctor.

  1. Cramping

Normal. Most of the time, women may experience cramping that is very similar to menstrual cramps in early pregnancy phase. It’s normal to feel that. It occurs because the blood flow to the uterus and pelvic organs increase. It is better to seek medical advice as cramping is also a sign of miscarriage.

NOT So Normal. Better see a doctor, if you experience continuous cramping on just one side and it occurs with bleeding. Such cramps are more painful compared to your periods. It is an indication of a miscarriage. Severe cramping that occurs in second or third trimester is a sign of early labor.

  1. Nausea

Normal. Nausea, vomiting or morning sickness is very normal during the early phase of pregnancy. It may begin in the third week of pregnancy and end in the 12th week or soon after. It is nothing to be all worried about. As long as you are able to eat and take in liquid, it is okay. It may happen during the day or night. Did you know 70 to 80 percent of women go through some kind of morning sickness during pregnancy?

NOT So Normal. If the vomiting happens to be really severe and stays even after 12 weeks can result in dehydration. You might not even be able to eat or drink which is NOT normal. You might need to be hospitalized which means a visit to a doctor is a must.

  1. Strange Vaginal Discharge

Normal. No need to go all cranky about thin milky discharge in your early pregnancy phase. It may even continue throughout your pregnancy. This happens because there are various changes going on in your cervix. This discharge shields your birth canal or the cervix from any kind of infection like bacterial vaginosis.

NOT So Normal. In case you notice too much of clear discharge which is yellow or green and smells bad, immediately go to your doctor as it can hint towards some complication. It can also be accompanied by itching and burning.

  1. Contractions

Normal. So you are experiencing contractions and you are worried sick about it? Don’t be! It is okay to feel random uterine contractions after 24 weeks. If these contractions are sporadic and irregular unlike the real labor contractions, it is normal. The real labor contractions happen at regular intervals and keep increasing in intensity and frequency.

NOT So Normal. If the contractions are occurring after every 10 minutes or on regular intervals, then it is something to worry about. Keep calculating to confirm.

  1. Wetness

Normal. Are your sheets or underpants wet? No worries! The wetness may simply be urine. As the uterus expands, it corners the bladder and puts pressure on it which causes the urine to leak. Women may not even realize that they are leaking urine.

NOT So Normal. If the wetness continues and it’s too much, make sure you tell your doctor and check whether that moisture is amniotic fluid. This is important as it can be an infection in the uterus or stimulate labor after 37th week.

  1. Swelling

Normal. Do you notice swelling in your body? It is okay because there are humongous hormonal changes taking place in your body that result in retaining excess fluid in the tissues making you swell. It doesn’t less to do with how much water or salt you are consuming.

NOT So Normal. If you notice swelling in your body particularly hands, feet and legs that is accompanied by a headache, a visit to the doctor is a must. This could mean preeclampsia which is a risky condition of high blood pressure.

  1. The Blues

Normal. As much as pregnancy is a joy, there are many women who even go through depression. Yes, about 14 percent.

NOT So Normal. If you happen to notice lack of interest in normal activities, crying for no good reason, hopelessness, unusual fatigue, then you should definitely get treated. If you leave it untreated, then you are likely to go through postpartum depression

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