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4 Useful Tips to Deal with a Clingy Baby

Babies can get over attached to you and cannot survive a single minute without you. There are times you can’t even go to the bathroom without your baby crying at the door. It might feel great when your baby wants you the most but that can create problems for you later on. Here are some useful tips if your baby gets really upset in your absence and requires reassurance from you all the time:

1. Do it slowly
Your baby is going backfire on anything if you try and force it on him and that includes being clingy as well. You need to help your baby understand that every stranger is not bad. If anyone comes close to your baby and wants to talk to him, assure your baby that it is alright. Wave out to people and try to connect with others in front of your baby.
In case your baby is happy to communicate with others and is fine in your arms, don’t suddenly make him go in other person’s arms. Allow your baby to get comfortable first. Moreover, some babies just get irritated the moment they see a stranger coming near. All you have to do is massage the baby’s back and repeat ‘it is okay, mommy is right here’. Do not start panicking if your baby begins to cry. He senses that there was actually something to be alert about.
2. Remain Calm
We normally believe that our babies are dumb and don’t understand anything but the truth is your clingy baby can read and understand your body language quiet well. He senses everything from the way you express yourself to the way you react to a situation. As soon as you notice that your baby is going through separation anxiety or is getting clingy, give your baby some time. you can’t just force anything on your baby right away.
Make it a point not to instantly respond to your baby calls or pick him up until and unless your baby is at risk of getting hurt. He may play around you and keep looking at you to feel secure. Don’t look back every time he looks at you. Give your baby some private space while of course keeping an eye on him from a distance.
3. Make him meet people
For clingy babies, all the new and even not so new faces result in a sudden emotional outburst. Make it a part of his daily routine to meet new people. Rather than making the change too sudden for him, just spend some time outdoors every day with your baby.
Simply take him to a neighborhood market, street or a park nearby. This allows him to see new faces and get used to people around him. You can even make him meet people on a regular basis particularly your neighbors or people who live nearby. Let your baby get used to the world around him right form your arms.
4. Go with the flow
It is not easy for babies to move from being clingy to becoming independent and self-confident. This transition is an important developmental and learning phase for your little angel. Don’t just get frustrated. Some babies require more time compared to other babies to become more independent and not clingy.
Your baby may move to his next phase gradually by not spending time with you. One moment he is okay without you but the next moment he will cling to you. These are just stages that take your baby to the independent stage.

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