Every Mother and Child has the Right to a Safe Beginning.


What are the common symptoms of menopause and how do I manage them?

Menopause is a normal and natural part of a woman’s life which usually takes place between the ages of 45-55- although this can vary and is different for every woman. During menopause a woman’s body will stop ovulating. This means her ovaries will stop releasing eggs into the uterus, therefore she will no longer have periods and will be unable to fall pregnant naturally.
As levels of the hormone oestrogen begin to fall in her body this brings many symptoms.
Some of the most common symptoms of menopause are:

  • Hot flushes
  • Night sweats
  • Mood swings
  • Weakness, tiredness and fatigue

Some of these symptoms are also experienced by pre-menopausal women, women who are reaching menopause but are still having periods- usually irregular.
Making healthy lifestyle choices can help you manage the symptoms of menopause. For example, eating a varied and healthy diet and exercising regularly.
A common and effective treatment is hormone replacement therapy (HRT). This is an effective option for women with our without wombs. Hormones can be taken in tablets, skin patches, gelor implants and can be extremely effective in reducing symptoms such as hot flushes and night sweats. As with all treatments there are side effects and you must visit your GP to discuss HRT.
For a more natural method you can purchase evening primrose oil from the health food store. The oil contains essential fatty acids and aids calcium absorption which is thought to relive symptoms.
It is important to remember that eventually the symptoms will stop and this is a normal and natural process. Whether you consider HRT or not we recommend a balanced approach and particularly making sure you eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly.
Good luck!

*Disclaimer- all our advice is general and based on the limited information provided to us in each question- always consult your GP for advice and guidance if a problem persists*

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