Every Mother and Child has the Right to a Safe Beginning.


4 Symptoms to Know If Your Milk Is Really Drying Up

From the moment a woman conceive till delivery and after, expecting mothers worry a lot about the task of nursing. Mothers usually focus on how much to feed, when to feed and the best ways to dos so. One aspect that mothers don’t think about is that the breast milk dries up at one point or the other. It is believed that the more you breastfeed your little one, the longer it will take for the milk to dry up.

As soon as the nursing begins, the female body learns the pattern and adjusts according to the demand of the baby. After some time, the body reduces the milk supply to approximate quantity required which causes tenderness of breasts. Women often get confused and think there breasts are drying up. Here are some of the major signs of milk drying up to avoid the confusion.

The best way to do this is by just observing your infant. See if your baby is satisfied and happy after a feed. Check if there is appropriate weight gain and the number of diapers soiled. The milk can dry up in few weeks or after a year. It basically depends on the amount of time you have been nursing.

Here are some of the symptoms that can tell you that your milk is drying up:

  1. Observe your baby’s behavior

Another easy way to know if the milk production is decreasing is by seeing how your baby behaves when you feed him. In case he starts feeding the moment you bring him near your breast, then there is no need to worry. Do make notes in your head regarding the amount of time baby takes to feed and focus on the sounds he make while feeding. If he feeds only for a short time, it could mean your milk production has gone down. If you don’t get to hear a lot of gulping sounds, it indicates that the baby is swallowing lesser quantity of milk.

  1. Observe your breasts

Keep observing your breast to see if the quantity of milk produced for your baby is sufficient. This is a simple and easy method. Place a washcloth on your breast for few minutes. Next, take it away and press your nipple gently to squeeze out some milk. Do this exercise regularly. A drop in the readings will give you a good idea.

  1. Check for soiled diapers

This is an easy one. Keep checking on the number of times you have to change diapers. It is better if they soil more diapers. In other words, the more you change nappies, the more milk they consume. In case you notice the number of diaper changes is reducing, it means your baby is not taking enough milk every day and it could be because your milk is drying.

  1. Check for breast hardening

When you have done everything and still you are still confused. Just check how tender or hard your breasts are. If they happen to be more tender compared to before and you feel lighter, it means your milk production is decreasing quickly.

When you done going through the check list, you need to be sure that you remain relaxed and in the best position to feed your baby whether you milk is drying out or not. If notice the milk production has decreased, just feed your baby more frequently. This can increase the demand of milk and the body adjusts the supply.

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