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7 Reasons for Diarrhea in Toddlers

Diarrhea happens to be quiet common among toddlers but that doesn’t meant it is easy for parents to handle. Parents get worried as to why their baby is suffering from diarrhea so that they can prevent it from recurring in the future. There can be a variety of reason why your little one can get afflicted by diarrhea.

World Health organization defines diarrhea as passing three or more watery stools in a day. Toddlers tend to eat a variety of solid foods which makes increases their chances of developing diarrhea. Diarrhea could be mild, moderate or severe. Mild diarrhea is when your little one passes two to five watery stools in a day while in moderate diarrhea he will pass six to nine water stools in a day. Ten or more watery stools in a day mean he is suffering from severe diarrhea.

Here are some of the most common and major reasons your toddler may be suffering from diarrhea:

1. Food poisoning

Food poisoning takes place when your toddler consumes stale food that contains colonies of fungi, bacteria or other microscopic organisms. The pathogens don’t directly attack the body like in gastrointestinal tract infections. In food poisoning, watery stool is a result of toxins released by pathogens in stale food. Food poisoning not only causes yellow watery diarrhea with blood but is also accompanied by fever, vomiting and nausea.

2. Fruit juice

Surprised? Yes, fruit juices can result in mild to moderate diarrhea when taken in excess or given as a primary source of nutrition for toddlers. Fruit juices consist of the ones you buy from super market and the ones you make at home. Juices tend to have concentrated amounts of nutrients which is too much for your little ones digestive system to absorb. This results in watery diarrhea.

3. Gastrointestinal tract infections

Gastrointestinal tract infections are caused by consuming contaminated water and food. There are pathogens that your toddlers can ingest through oral contact with contaminated object like toys and anything they can actually get their hands on. Toddlers have a habit of taking everything to their mouth. Several pathogens can cause diarrhea like Escherichia coli, Rota virus, Samonella, Shigella and campylobacter.

4. Irritable bowel syndrome

When the nerves of the intestines get too sensitive and lead to spasms of intestinal smooth muscles, it results in a condition called irritable bowel syndrome. This abnormal movement of muscles results in severe cramps along with diarrhea. It can be treated with medications and lifestyle changes.

 5. Food intolerance

Food intolerance is when the digestive system of the toddler is not able to digest a certain food compound. For instance, galactosemia is food intolerance condition in which the intestine is not able to digest galactose. Galactose is basically a kind of sugar found in milk. This cause gastrointestinal irritation and diarrhea.

6. Pancreatic disorders

Disease that block one of the ducts of pancreas or interfere with its function can eventually lead to diarrhea. Cystic fibrosis happens to be among the most common ailment of pancreas that toddlers fall victim to. This disease comes with many symptoms and diarrhea is one of them. Cystic fibrosis doesn’t have any treatment but dealing with its symptoms can help your toddler lead a healthy life.

7. Heat exhaustion

It is during the summer months that toddlers feel hotter which leads to heat exhaustion. This condition is accompanied by various symptoms like diarrhea and abdominal cramps. You can prevent heat exhaustion by giving your toddler a cooler environment and giving him enough fluids to treat heat related diarrhea.

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