Every Mother and Child has the Right to a Safe Beginning.


How do I plan pregnancy if I am overweight and diabetic?

It is great to hear you are wanting to plan your pregnancy. This is very important as having a higher bmi index means you have increased risk of complications during pregnancy and your diabetes could also become more difficult to manage if you were to fall pregnant.

The first step is to plan a healthy weight loss plan. We recommended spending the next 3 months (12 weeks) trying to lose weight in a healthy manner. Aim for around 1kg of weight loss a week. You can achieve this by eating a healthier diet reducing your sugar and carbohydrate intake ( for example, cakes, desserts, bread) and increasing healthy proteins such as lean chicken, beef, yogurt, cheese and fruits and vegetables. If you are losing weight your blood sugar will also become controlled.

Once you get your weight to a healthier level you will be at a lower risk of complications and better shape to conceive a child.

Speak to your doctor about a healthy diet plan and seek guidance to ensure you are eating the right amount for your type of diabetes.

Good luck!

*Disclaimer- all our advice is general and based on the limited information provided to us in each question- always consult your GP for advice and guidance if a problem persists*

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